Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, May 5, 2017


Dear Langley Families,

Welcome to Term 2 !

This week we have been changing the room around a little with the introduction of the light table to the block area.  Here the children can explore a different lens to see the world through.  Currently on the light table we have some small slides of the Australian outback.  Next time you are in the Langley room go take a look at the slides and see if you recognise any animals or places from the outback. 
The fine motor corner is slowly transforming into a camp site.  Here we encourage the children to play using their imagination of being in the Australian bush.  If you have a chance to come and sit in this area and join in on the fun of cooking over a wood fire. 

As the week rolls on we are doing small things in preparation for our Princesses Tea Party event. Please RSVP via the Front Office and if you have not received notice of this event please approach any staff member for a pink form.

Just a short reminder about the nappy collection occurring throughout the whole centre.  If you or a friend have left over unused nappies please donate these to the foundation. Also, if you do not have any leftover nappies in your home you are welcome to purchase a pack from the shops and donate it too. It truly is a great cause! 

On Monday the 1st of May Miss Kathy and Miss Tayla were fortunate enough to go to a conference run by ‘Learning 4 all’.  Here the guest speaker was Liberty Gates who is a highly trained speech therapist.  The program focused on early detection and intervention for children 3-8 years of age.  If you have any further questions about this program you are more than welcome to approach either teacher and ask.

Edwina Christo has misplaced her jumper.  It has been missing for over two weeks and the family would greatly appreciate if everyone could just check their own PAC jumpers, to see if it has slipped into their child’s bag by mistake.  The little name sticker may have come off from the collar.  Thank you.

New Staffing Roster 
Term 2

Miss Georgia   7:30-3:30
Miss Kathy (Mon, Tues)   8-4pm
Miss Amelia (Wed, Thur, Fri)  8-4pm
Miss Sharon/Miss Nicole   8:30-4:30pm
Miss Tayla           9-5pm

This coming week is a sad week for the Langley Team as we say good bye to Miss Sharon who is leaving our class as her Maternity Leave contract is ending.   She has been a very energetic and supportive staff member who has brought laughter and love to all the children who are in her care. We wish her all the best in the future, she will be dearly missed. She returns to her role of relief co-educator so I am sure we will see her very soon. 

On Monday 15 May we will be welcoming back Mrs Nicole Wauchope who is returning from Maternity Leave after the birth of her third baby boy, Jett. She is Mason's mum who is also in Langley. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Miss Kathy, Miss Amelia, Miss Sharon, Miss Tayla and Miss Georgia