Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Staying Healthy in Child Care

Please take some time to read some useful information from the website relating to illnesses in child care. 

Article: Illness in child care services

Friday, August 25, 2017


To All Langley Friends and Families,

Book Week was a HIT!

The children enjoyed the mystery nursery rhyme baskets each day.  They loved touching and discovering the hidden props during morning meeting. We also had a visit from some PAC boys in Year 4 from Mrs Melbourne’s class (Amelia’s Mum). This was a big success as each child got a buddy to read a story to them. We will look forward to continuing this buddy experience with the big boys from the school as the year goes on. 

Our special guest for Book Week was  Cara's mum, Paula.  She works within the College and thoroughly enjoyed reading a story to our Langley class during the morning. We then had our Book Week Parade on Thursday.  It was great to see everyone dressed up and how much effort everyone puts in to being creative (An important skill to have and teach our little ones about).


Sun Smart Policy is in effect from September 1st.  This means everyone needs to wear a hat when outside.  Please send your child to school with a clearly named PAC hat.  This can be left here at school in our hat basket.  Or you are welcome to take it home each day. This also means we will start applying sunscreen to children after their nap for extra precaution too.

Big Boys breakfast
Please see the staff if you have not received a blue form about this event (Thursday 31 August).

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Miss Kathy, Miss Amelia, Miss Nicole, Miss Georgia and Miss Tayla

Afternoon Program Team

Our Afternoon Care program is truly on its way! 

For Book Week we designed a nice little hiding place in the Town Square to serve one single goal – reading. Children enjoyed this space where they relaxed, read books and engaged in imaginary play.

Over the past few weeks we are also having some visitors to the ELC as part of the afternoon program. Squid the Blue Tongued Lizard and Joy the Rabbit are our first animals to visit from the Nature Education Centre. This program aims to allow children to interact with and learn about animals, their environments and their needs. Children will be given opportunities to hold, pat and feed the animals and to observe their behaviours. The children have really enjoyed having the animals here.

A change in location of activities was required to supervise children interacting with our new animal as well as some new ways of expression during play. Our block mat encourages children to build and connect actions to feelings and we have children sharing happy dancing and parties as they build people from the coloured blocks and faces.

Our jigsaw tables constantly change as children express triumph at completing puzzles ranging from simple to more advanced as some complete them with friends or on their own.

Early exposure to math and number activities promote children's comfort with these skills. Also, additional opportunities to practice these skills will increase children’s confidence when working with math and number concepts. Late afternoons we have introduced Number Jacks on the TV. Many parents are asking about the link to this Program, so you can just type number jacks in google or YouTube.

Afternoon Program Team

Gastro Alert

Dear Parents,

We have had several cases of gastroenteritis in the ELC over the past two weeks. 

If your child has vomited or had a loose bowel motion they must be excluded from the ELC until 24 hours after the last ‘event’. 

This is a highly contagious illness and spreads rapidly in a group setting. 

For further information please read the notice in the front office or in your child's class.

Thank you for helping us to remain as healthy and as well as we can be. 

ELC Team

Some more happy snaps from Book Week !


Dear Mead Room families and friends,

What a week!

On Monday we welcomed our new Mead Room friend, Zara.  We welcome her, and her family, to the ELC.  Thankyou to all our Mead Room friends who were so kind and inclusive of Zara straight away!

Our chicks, or pullets, are transitioning to their new home outside…….. we are not quite ready to see them leave the nest yet! They have had a few short runs outside in their chicken run, which they are thoroughly enjoying.

The children have been creative in the atelier with observational paintings of spring blossom. We had noticed the ‘clues of spring’ on our walks to PE and Library and asked one of our amazing gardeners if we could ‘borrow’ some twigs.  The children have taken notice of the differences in blossom colour and requested many different hues of pink!

We are still utilising the magnetic letters to represent our names.  Many children return to this experience and are delighted and proud each time they place the letters of their name on the board.
Book Week has been such a whirlwind of experiences. We had an amazing Book Tent City set up in the Town Square where we read to ourselves and to others.  It was a beautiful setting to snuggle up with a book and some friends.

Mr. Andary visited the Mead Room to share a rollicking yarn of a bear and a flea, and on Thursday we paraded our costumes and revelled in all things literary.
Take care of each other,

Melissa and Georgia


Hi Cooper families,

Moon Festival, or Mid Autumn Festival,  is fast approaching. In preparation for this special time, the Cooper room have decorated a red lantern using our fingers and painting with black paint. Leading up to the Moon Festival we will be asking the children what their wish is for the New Year. We will record this dialogue and display this next to our beautifully decorated lantern.

This week we have continued our investigation into rainbows. We have specifically focused on communicating our knowledge of rainbows and colours through a range of visual arts experiences. Through the visual arts children can represent their impressions of events and objects. While the children engage in these experiences they are also building their knowledge of colour.

Eddie N – I have red and blue and yellow on my rainbow.
Poppy – I did my rainbow. We need to hang it in the sky.

We have started to share our family photos in the Cooper room this week. It is lovely to see the children’s faces light up as they talk about who is in their family and show their peers their photo. We will be displaying the children’s family photos and the dialogue taken from their special show and tell. Show and tell is a wonderful opportunity for children in the Cooper room to speak in front of their peers and share important information and events of interest with their friends.

Mason – Look what I’ve got. It’s my picture. It’s my mummy and daddy and me. That’s my Jett and my Sylas. I got one Jett and one Sylas and one mummy and one daddy.

We have been very busy creating our special presents to give to our Daddies at our Big Boys Breakfast. They are looking amazing and the children are very proud of the finished product. We hope to see all the Daddies on the 31st of August at 8:30am in the ELC.

We had a fantastic day on Thursday for our Book Week parade. The costumes looked fantastic and the children loved sharing their special books with their peers. What a great morning!

We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

Love Miss Gilbert and Miss C


Dear Parents,

Book Week arrived with gusto in the ELC this week and the Edgerley children have been enjoying the activities on offer. We have been sharing our favourite stories in class, and have been busy investigating a variety of 'story baskets' with clues in them, where we have managed to guess which Fairy Tale they represent. 

In our Town Square we have tents set up as special quiet reading nooks to snuggle into with our favourite story books. On Wednesday we had a special visit from our Headmaster, Mr Fenner, to read his favourite story to us. 

Our highlight is always our Book Week character parade which was held on Thursday. You have no idea how many various characters arrived in the Edgerley Room, such a variety of personalities and costumes!

As Father's Day is approaching we have begun busying ourselves with preparations for our Big Boys Breakfast on 31st August. We have some wonderful surprises in store for our dads who play such an important role in our lives. We just can't give too many surprises away at this stage, but you are in store for a treat!

On our walk up to PE last week the children noticed the beautiful blossom trees that are blooming at the moment. They were very interested in painting it and so we looked at some Japanese blossom paintings as our inspiration for creating our own artworks. We used straws to blow black food dye to create our branches and then used cotton buds to dab on our blossoms. The results were spectacular! Come and have a look in our room at our gallery.

Best wishes,
Emma, Mel and Chris