Dear Families,
Our Big Boys Breakfast was such a highlight of the week, thank you to all who
joined us to celebrate.
This week we have also continued our explorations
around rainbows, examining the colours of rainbows and creating our own stained
glass rainbows.
Inspired by Aria's play last week, we have been exploring
puppetry using finger puppets this week. The children have been telling stories
and sharing songs using the puppets. A big thank you to Miss Courtenay's
partner, Dale, who built us a new puppet theatre for our classroom. We are
looking forward to exploring this more next week.
Please come and meet our new
scarecrow that we have created. We have placed him in our garden to help
protect our beans that we are still lovingly caring for.
Our dance lessons with
the lovely Miss Erin from Dancify have also started this week. Its wonderful to
see the children moving and grooving and learning some new dance moves!
Please remember to pack an ELC hat for your child from next week as our
SunSmart policy has now kicked in. These are available from the Uniform shop if
you do not already have one. Please ensure that they are clearly named.
Best wishes for the weekend. Enjoy the Saturday sunshine while it lasts!
Ellen, Courtenay, Chelsea and Jess