Dear Langley Friends
We have
had a wonderful week in the Langley room. We started our week with the story
“Press Here’ by Herve
The children just
loved listening and watching what happens to the dots in the story. Many were amazed at the ‘magic’ of the dots.
Ethan quickly sat up and watched in anticipation to what was going to happen to
the dots next. We followed this up with
a painting experience during our morning play time. Whilst the children were painting Frankie started
singing “Dot, dot, dot…” and soon enough they all started singing along
with her ‘Dot, Dot, Dot…”. If you
have not read the story see if you can find it at your local library, as it is
lots of fun to read.
We are lucky enough
to have some new ‘class mates’ within our room.
Have you spotted them yet? They are small, shy and scuttle about. They are hermit crabs. Over the week the children have taken a keen
interest in these new small animals.
Aeson- He's gone in his shell. Ohhh it's coming
coming out
Amelia- It's moving now
Ethan- One come out
Our dance lessons with the lovely Miss Erin from
Dancify have also started on Thursdays. It’s wonderful to see the children
moving and grooving and learning some new dance moves!
Please remember to pack an ELC hat for your child
from next week as our Sun Smart policy has now kicked in. These are available
from the Uniform shop if you do not already have one. Please ensure that they
are clearly named.
In case families, still are
unsure of our contact details they are as follows. -Kathy - Amelia - Nicole
- Tayla - Georgia
Take care of each other.
From Kathy, Amelia, Nicole,
Tayla and Georgia