Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, April 8, 2016


Dear Parents,

It has been an extra special week with birthdays and Grandies day all in the same week. Happy birthday to Sebastian and Stefan who shared the same birthday on Grandies Day! We loved having our grandparents come in to visit us on Tuesday. We sang them 5 songs and then brought them back to show them our classroom before taking them on a tour of the ELC. Our Grandparents are such special people in our lives which the children reflected in their drawings and dialogue which are displayed in the Edgerley Room.

My Grandma plays dinosaurs with me. I get to stay for 1 to 5 sleeps and go to the zoo with her - Jasper
My Grandpa is a bit funny. He puts his beard on my face and it's ticklish! My Grandma is always cooking. My Grandma and Grandpa have the same big feet - Varish
Nonna Antonette and Grace go to the shops and collect cards for me. Nonno Ralph makes olives for me. Leo fixes our house so we have 2 toilets again - Lucas
I play Lego with her. She takes me to the China place where I eat those noodles. My Grandpa died - he's a little angel - Ben

During our walk up to PE in the Prep School some of the boys noticed the leaves were changing colour on some of the trees. Some of the boys collected the beautifully coloured leaves to bring back to the Edgerley Room.

It's autumn - David
The leaves fall off the trees - Sylas
The green ones will very slowly change colour - William
Yes they change colour - Johnny
I saw that one that had green at the front and a little bit purple. The ones that are still green didn't change yet because of the wind - Regan
There's 4 seasons - autumn, summer, winter and spring - Oscar

The boys helped select coloured paint in the colours of the leaves. They then painted their reflections of the autumn trees.

There was huge excitement when Scott the deep sea diver came to visit the Edgerley boys on Monday! He arrived in his full diving suit - a very thick wetsuit which made him sweat a lot! The boys have been riveted with the whole underwater deep sea diving theme throughout this term, creating their underwater corner in the room. Scott explained what all of his equipment was for  and answered many of the boys questions. The boys got to try on his flippers, gloves, snorkel and diving vest. Scott's regulator made exciting noises and released air which caused great excitement. We had one burning question answered which was how do the divers communicate underwater. Scott told us that they use sign language!

Best wishes,

Emma, Mel and Ty