Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, December 16, 2016


Dear Mattingley families and friends,

We have had such a lovely start to our Holiday program with children being so excited about Christmas drawing near. Joshua D informed us that Christmas is near when you see Jacaranda trees blooming with their beautiful purple flowers.

Mr Coleman also read us the story Purple Snow by Tim Lobbecke during one of our trips to the library. We have also been lucky to have a huge Jacaranda tree at PAC that never fails to catch our attention as we explore our school. As a response to this interest, we invited the children to create their own Jacaranda trees using clay or sand and some beautiful paper in shades of purple. What a wonderful quiet creative experience it was for the children to engage in while enhancing their fine motor skills and eye hand coordination. We have also planted some flowers to invite butterflies to come to our school and veggies to feed our chickens especially corn. The children have been wonderful helpers planting and caring for our plants. We will soon be working on making signs to ensure all they are well cared for.

This week our discussion about Christmas led us to talking about wishes.
"A wish is something that may come true or not come true. Sometimes you just have to wait", explained Walter.
"A wish is for birthdays", said Roy.
"Well, if you wish for a cow, it won't come true because it is too big", added Chloe.
"A wish is when Santa gives you toys", said Lachlan.
"A wish is magic that comes true", added Samuel.

We asked the children what they wish for themselves and also explored the idea of wishing for something for other people or the world. And here are some of their wishes.

For Elsa to come alive but she wont freeze the world because I will train her not to.  Chloe.
For people to drive well on the road because there are so many houses. Edward
For people to go to Madagascar because there are some beautiful colours in there. Joshua
For people to live on icebergs. William
For people to have train sets. Oscar
For penguins in the world to come to Australia. Sidney
For people to share toys with everybody. Roy
For people to drive slowly so they don't crash into cars. Leo
To drive safe and not crash into others. Josh S
To see lots of kittens in the world. Lochlann
For people to go to the shops and buy toys. Eloise
To find a big feather to tickle myself. Oliver
For people to go to Sydney because my cousins live there. Billy
For people to have happiness. Ms Jackie
For children to sing and be happy. Mrs Rocca

These wishes celebrate children's innate caring and kind nature and it is our hope that we all take every single day as an opportunity to nurture these warm thoughts and feelings that children have towards others. May these wishes make you proud of your children as well as yourselves as parents and family in your child's life.

Mrs Rocca, Ms Jana and Ms Jackie