Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, November 11, 2016


Dear Edgerley Parents,

We've had another wonderfully busy week in the Edgerley class. The hospital has remained a hive of activity with patients streaming in with ailments and experienced staff ready to assist. Thanks to Hamish's dad Matthew for a new delivery of medical equipment for us, the interest has reached an all time high. If you need any assistance or advice don't hesitate to drop in to the Edgerley clinic!

We have continued to show an interest in insects and creepy crawlies. At PE we found two butterflies which we decided to bring back to the classroom to observe. Unfortunately they had passed their expiry, however that meant we could make observations at a close proximity! Following this, Ollie and Henry were very excited to find a little bug in our block corner, which kept rolling up into a ball.

'We've called it Billy' - Henry
'It's a roly-poly bug' - Struan
'It can turn into a ball' - William L
'We need to find a house for it with holes to breathe' - Ollie
'We need to find out what it eats' - Byron
'It's got lots of legs' - Henry

We used Mrs McKenzie's computer to get some answers and to try and find out what type of bug this was. We matched the bug to a photo we found which told us it was a woodlouse or slater. The common name for a woodlouse is roly-poly! Struan was right! We also found out they like to eat rotting vegetable matter, so we collected some salad scraps from lunch and added them to Billy's home, along with some moist leaf matter from our garden that we collected. We wondered why Billy kept rolling into a ball, and discovered it was to protect himself.

Archie, William P, Zara and Charlie O have loved making animal farms in the block corner and outdoors. We've used our senses to explore at the light table and created some wonderful crayon and colour wash art.

Best wishes,

Emma, Mel, Cris and Satinder