Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, June 16, 2017


Dear Mattingley Families and Friends,

This week the children have continued their exploration with the clay, using natural materials to create different animals and creations. There has been many discussions about what they have made, and how they used their hands to manipulate the "hard play dough." Noticing that the clay feels very different to play dough we spoke about where it is found, much to the children's surprise. They could not believe that the clay that they were using could be found in their garden. 

That's a bit yucky- Elsa

I never see it in my back yard- Alannah

We might have to explore clay a little more to find out just where it is found and what it is used for in our community. We wonder if anyone uses clay to make strong houses out of?

As Mrs Mason's tummy grows bigger and bigger everyday many of the children have taken an interest in becoming doctors to make sure that she if feeling ok. Dr Hridhaan and Dr Dylan especially, using their stethoscope and other interesting  tools to make sure that everything is going ok. 

Mrs Mason I can't find your heart beat but you are ok. You feel good now- Hridhaan

You have to stay still so we can hear your heart beat- Clem

I go to the doctor when I sick. Then I feel better- Ruby

Mrs Mason is very lucky to have such wonderful friends and doctors in the classroom making sure that she and the baby are ok. 

This week has also seen some of the children searching in the outdoor learning environment  for insects. They have been a bit tricky to find, must be the cold weather. We will have to continue our search next week, both in our outdoor learning environment as well as when we walk through the Prep School. Maybe if you find some insects while you are out and about on the weekend you might be able to take a photo and email it through. Or if you are brave enough you might be able to catch it for a little while to have an even closer look. 

Make sure that you are being safe though! 

Kimberley and Liana