Mattingley families and friends,
have had some very busy construction workers hard at work building houses out
of different materials this week, continuing on from their exploration of the
'The three little pigs'. The focus of their constructions were that
in the story the brick house was the strongest. Testing out this theory the
children would try to blow down their constructions once they were finished to
see just how strong they were. This lead to lots of laughter and shrieks of
excitement as buildings toppled over.
Mack - This
is the big bad wolf's house. Don't blow it down yet Hudo
Hudson - Oh
no! It fell down
Phoebe - We
making a big brick house
Didier - My
house is strong! We made it out of bricks. It won't blow down
Mack - Maybe
if it rains the straw house will was away
Ari - My
house is bigger and bigger. Ahhh! It fell down
will continue this exploration over the weeks to come, working with a range of
different materials. We will take a closer look at how houses are built and the
different materials that they are built with. If you have any photos of your
house that you would like to share we would love to add them to our
As part of our
investigation into sustainability the Mead and Mattingley children have been
thinking about where the rubbish they produce at home and at ELC goes
when it is put into the bin, and how they would feel if it ended up in their
Outdoor Learning Environment at ELC.
Hudson - Very cross
Dylan - Very yucky
Phoenix - It needs to go to the
explore the effect that rubbish has on our environment we have set up an experiment.
In glass jars we have added food scraps, a sandwich, glad wrap, alfoil
and leaves to soil to see if they will break down or stay the same.
The children have begun to hypothesise what they think might
happen over time. We look forward to observing the glass jars over the next
week to see what changes occur, and sharing our findings with the rest of the
ELC on World Environment Day next Monday.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend,
Kimberley and Liana