Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, October 21, 2016


Dear Edgerley Parents,

What a whirl wind week we have had this week as our first week back for the term. We had lots of different interest groups happening throughout the week but without a doubt, the highlight was Sports Day. Long awaited, we were thrilled that the weather was so kind! By the time we got back to the classroom the children were very tired. As Henry said, “I saved up all my energy for Sports Day and then I REALLY used it all up Mrs Bishop!”

We asked the children to share their highlights. It seems they particularly enjoyed sharing the morning with their special family members.
“I really liked my Mummy, Daddy, Grandad and baby sister coming” said Rory
“My Nanny Sue comed and Nanny Wendy and Pa!” exclaimed Charlie P
“I liked when I played parachute” said Henry
“I liked running with my Mummy” said Lewis
“I liked my Dad and me running” said Nicholas Y
“I liked that some people painted their faces” said Will L
“I liked the parachute” said Aston
“I liked running races” said Aidan
“I liked my Mum racing me” said Hamish
“The most thing that was the most fun was the parachute” said Nyanwell
“I like I was racing with myself!” said Nicholas V

This week we also enjoyed changing our faces using face part strips. We had a good old giggle at each other. It was lots of fun. Check out some of our faces on the little table as you walk in our door.

The wonderful weather later in the week meant lots of fun outside, climbing swinging, riding and water in the sandpit. We hope that the good weather stays with us.

Please don’t forget that we have class photos next week. We are scheduled for Wednesday 12.00pm. We would love to see as many of you there as possible and would be so appreciative if you could make it in, even if it is not your child’s regular day. The photographers will also be taking individual photos. If you would like to order individual photos please complete the envelope that we have placed in your child’s pigeon hole and either pass it back to Mrs Mandy or put it in the reply slips box at the Front Desk.

We have placed a new Show and Tell schedule in children’s lockers and are moving to a fortnightly roster to encourage better audience participation.

Wednesday PE classes have now been rescheduled to Friday and so we will reschedule Library so that children do not have to walk up to the Prep School twice in one day. Our new time will be dependant on spaces in the Library timetable so please watch this space for a new slot.

Please help us out by checking whether you have any outstanding signatures that need to be completed on our sign in sheets, we have an ever growing pile!!

Have a lovely weekend

Mel, Emma, Cris and Satin