Dear Families,
We have had a big week including a longer transition visit for our boys
heading up to the Preparatory School next year. They will finish off their
program with their whole morning transition visit to their teacher’s class
for 2018 on Monday November 27th.
This week we have managed the very hot days, drinking lots of water and
keeping cool, especially in the afternoons.
It has been exciting to see our long awaited silkworm moths start to
hatch. We have a record total of 86 cocoons! We will lose count of the silkworm
eggs that will start to arrive soon!
Here are some of our reflections..
James: They are
wrapped up white things
Freddie: It is silk
Joshua S: They are busy
making hard cocoons
Audrey: Inside the
cocoon there is the silkworm
Daniel: It’s the larva
and inside it is a pupa
Felix: The Langley
cocoons have made moths
Oscar: They need to
make a big hole
We have had lots of practices ready for our Nativity next Thursday @
9:30am. The children have worked hard to learn many songs and this week our
focus has been on staging. It is a big experience for them to have lots of
practices and remember lines and roles. We are super proud of them and look
forward to sharing our gift of the Christmas Nativity for you!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Kind regards,
Pip and Coney