Dear Edgerley
This week we were introduced to the sound of the letter P and the
boys brainstormed a gigantic list of "P words". They are enjoying
their Letterland books and becoming increasingly familiar with the connection
between letter shapes and letter sounds. Look around our class and you can see
us using letters for meaning.
Following on from our zoo excursion where some children enjoyed
using the zoo map to find their way around to see the animals, the children
have been making their own maps. Some boys have made zoo maps, recalling the
memory of where the animals were located at the zoo, and others made maps
of the ELC to assist the Grandies in finding their way around our ELC on Grandies Day.
by our mirror we have been exploring different emotions and using our classroom
camera to record our faces as we pretend to experience these feelings. It has
encouraged some wonderful discussions about feelings.
suggested that handsome is a feeling, “Yep, sometimes I feel handsome” he
am feeling pleased, it’s like proud” said Regan
do the feeling of harmony” suggested Oscar
we’ll hold hands and be kind” agreed Regan, “and Kartik can take the photo”
what wonderful teachers the children were as they tutored each other in using the camera and
reviewing their shots.
We have loved reading the notes parents have begun
to add to their children’s dinosaur posters, we can’t wait for your to use the
post-it-notes and add some more.
From Mel, Emma and Ty