Dear Cooper Room
Families and Friends,
Welcome to the first
week of the school holiday spring program.
The week commenced
with glorious sunshine so we took advantage of the beautiful spring weather. We
decided to practice Yoga on the PAC oval under some shady trees. The Mattingley
class caught wind and asked if they could join us. We were more than happy to
show off our Yoga moves to the other children.
We as a Cooper class
came up with a list of Yoga poses we could demonstrate to the Mattingley class...
Lucy- Down-ward Dog
Eddie Ne- Frog
Butterfly- George
Cat and Cow- Chen Chen
Lion- Beau
Hippo- Poppy
Elephant- Eddie Ne
Pig- Poppy
Cobra- Tobi
It was an enjoyable morning
practicing various breathing exercises and building our strength, flexibility
and balancing skills during our outdoor Yoga session. From there we walked up to the Prep School
Rainbow Playground where the children got to explore the outdoor space.
Please note: No specialist lessons during the school holidays (P.E. Library, Chinese)
We hope you have a
relaxing weekend.
From Cris and the
Cooper Room Team