Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, August 25, 2017


Dear Mattingley families and friends,

This week we took part in many different activities to celebrate Book Week. Throughout the week we looked at some book baskets that had clues in them to see if we could guess what the story we would be reading might be. The class quickly worked out that the bowl of porridge, the little chair and little bed was referring to Goldilocks and the Three Bears. One of our book baskets introduced us to a book that none of the children had read before and this was the Enormous Turnip.

We were also visited by some of the Year 2 boys who came to read us some of their favourite books and on Wednesday Mr. Evans joined us to read us a couple of his favourite picture books including The Snail and The Whale by Julia Donaldson. On Thursday morning, the children were all dressed up as characters from different books ready to partake in our Book Week Parade. It was lots of fun to show off our costumes to the other classes and see theirs.

Apart from exploring a range of books this week some of the children have enjoyed playing with the musical instruments in the Town Square.

Miss RuggieroWhy do you like playing the instruments?

Dylan – Because even I can make a noise
Riani – Because I love it
Sarina – Because it’s shaky
Zak – Cos it’s fun

We are looking forward to discovering more about instruments and making more music together.

Have a great weekend,

Cass and Liana