Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, August 11, 2017


Dear Chapple Families

T has “tracked” its way through this week!

The children had a chance to work on their fine motor skills by working on their threading and tieing. We had a game of T sound tennis as we worked out how many words we know that start with the sound T. The new train track proved very exciting and helped the children develop their sharing, creativity and social skills as they had to build together.

Sienna became our official photographer for PE and the children had to balance as they had their photograph taken- It proved pretty tricky.

T was also for turtles and tracks. When we thought about it, tracks can be different things.

Jack: Tracks are what trains ride on.
Tommy T: On the way to Tikara, it was a bumpy track.
Isaac: I went on a track to a fire at Poppy’s place.
Sidney: Ducks leave a track in squelchy mud.
Zed: T-Rex would leave a track.
Cooper: On the beach on the sand, I saw the track of my car. It was like a snake, but straight.
Leonardo: A bus would leave a track like a train, but a different colour.

Next week the sound is P for pig, so perhaps Port Power Players should have come a week later!

Paige: Power Team came, their names were Justin and Jack.
Liliana: We had a photo with them. They told our parents to go to Port Power game.
Sam: They said kids can go to the footie.
James: They also said Nanna and Poppy can go too!
Seb: You can practise footie at Auskick.
Leonardo: They go for Port Power.
Liliana: One is fast and one is slow.
Alana: My dad is named Justin, but it wasn't him.

I think the Power have a few more fans!

Chapple Notifications
  • PE is a little earlier (9.00am) on Mondays for the next few weeks, due to a commitment in the sports hall.
  •  Book Week Parade- Thursday 24th August
  •  Show and Tell this week is the sound P.
  • As part of our work into “Who We Are” and identity, please could you send in a photo of your family. We will be looking at how all families are the same and different.    
Have a great weekend!

Chapple Room