Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, August 4, 2017


Dear Chapple Families and Friends
A is for Ant. The children continued their exploration of the sound “A” with apples, alligators and airplanes abound in Show and Tell. 
The children are becoming great at searching for the sound when out and about in their environment. We are focusing on the sound at this stage of their development, so it may appear strange if you hear us not correct the children, for example who may say circle starts with “S.” 
The Mead class were lucky enough to have some eggs which hatched this week. We went into their class to have a look and make comparisons between our big chickens. We then did some beautiful paintings and collage of the chicks.
The visit to the Botanical Gardens and the Art Gallery were the highlight of the week.
James: My favourite bit was going on the bus, looking out of the window and visiting the garden.
Alana: Going on the bus and eating lunch outside.
Sebastien: Seeing the seeds and the biggest apples. There was the hugest one in the world. I liked the pears too!
Even some of the more unusual exhibits in the gallery proved popular.
Sam: Looking at the little rabbits. It felt like they had bones in them. I like the circle pictures.
PE is a little earlier (9.00am) on Mondays for the next few weeks, due to a commitment in the sports hall.
Thanks for the parents who helped, and offered to come, on the excursion last Wednesday. It was a great success and would not be possible without your assistance.
Show and Tell this week is the sound T. The number of children that have ended up at the start of the week has meant a very long show and tell for the children. Consequently we have changed the roster slightly and a new copy has been placed in the lockers. 
As part of our work into “Who We Are” and Identity, please could you send in a photo of the children’s family. We will be looking at how all families are the same and different.
Due to Ms Garland absence, the weekly notice will be a hard copy in the lockers this week.
We welcome Miss Tayla to the Chapple Room for the next two weeks as Miss Elodie flies out on Saturday for a well deserved rest, sailing a yacht around Turkey. We are not jealous at all!
Chapple Room