Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, April 7, 2017


Dear Families,

We have had a great week in the Angwin Room, preparing for Grandies Day and enjoying every minute of this special celebration! The children did such a wonderful job, singing and showing their Grandies proudly around the Centre. The children loved to share their pictures and to share what makes their Grandies special… Here are a few of their comments…

Nanna plays hide and seek with me. JJ plays dolls with me. Papa reads me stories -Edie

My Grandies are Gran and Pa. They see us but Mummy and Daddy look after us. When I see Gran I run at her and give her a cuddle. Pa gives me tickles and I laugh. Nanna and Poppo make me breakfast. I don’t go there for sleepovers because they only have one big bed - Alice

Grampy lives far away. Nanny and Grandma are my Mum’s Nanny and Grandma! Nanna gives me icecream. Pop and GG take me to the zoo - Walter

Nannu cooks me dumplings and gives me presents. Both my grandpas went to PAC! - Sammy

Papou picks me up with Harrison and he takes me to the playground. Yia yia cooks me spaghetti. Papa catches fish. I have sleepovers with Nanny and Pa - James

Papa lives far away. I go there with my Daddy. He lets me touch his tractor. Nanna lets me help her in the garden. Nanna cooks sausages for me - Lachlan B 

Pop works at PAC with Mummy to look after the big boys. My Grandma lives here too. Grandad and Nanny live in England. I’ve been to see them a long long time ago - Audrey

Grandma and Papa come to see me and I go to their house too. Mummy comes to pick me up. We play together. They have a lovely garden - Laila

During the remainder of the week we have been working on our seed project, planting our own broad bean seeds. We will need to look after them well to watch them change and grow. 

We have also furthered our knowledge about birds in our College and enjoyed investigating the bird kit, looking at taxidermy birds, skeletons, eggs and even a few nests. 

The children have been lending skills to each other, making fans, paper planes and even working together to create towers and other small world models. 

We have started to explore what Easter is all about… more about this next week!

Kind Regards,
Pip and Coney