Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Sign out Station - Important Change Monday 1 May

Dear Cooper, Mead, Mattingley, Edgerley, Chapple and Angwin Families

Effective from Monday 1 May we will be changing the location of our sign out station. This will hopefully help to alleviate the numbers of people in the children's play space in the afternoons.

The new sign out station will be on the side cabinet under Melanie's office window. 

If you are collecting your child from 3.30pm onwards please sign out them out before collecting the children from the Town Square.

The sign out folders will be colour coded and classes tagged for easy access.

Please ensure that you check for accident reports and sign them once you have read them.

Messages will be left in comment box if you need to speak with a staff member.

The Afternoon Education Team contact staff are: 

2's : Miss Jennifer Skuce
3's : Miss Chelsea Wright
4's : Miss Kerry Rowbotham and Mrs Kendall Keith (Thursdays)

Please see one of these staff members for any handover messages from your child's class teacher. 

Wilkins and Langley children are to be signed out in their classrooms until 5pm. Please use the new sign out station if you collect your child after this time.

Signs with arrows will point everyone in the right direction. 


WHS Representative

The Nappy Collective is here!!!

Hello PAC ELC families and friends. 

The Nappy Collective charity drive our centre is a part of is finally here!

The Nappy Collective is a national foundation that endeavours to provide this vital commodity to mothers and children in need and families in crisis. We don't realize how important nappies can be for families at times of calamities or fleeing a home due to dangerous circumstances. This is a great opportunity for our children to share things they may no longer have for the benefit of less fortunate children.

From 5th - 19th of May, we are asking you to donate your unwanted,  unused leftover disposable nappies of any size. Alternatively, you can purchase any brand or size of nappy that your child can put in our drop box by the café. 

Last year, our participation enabled us to donate 3000 nappies for the cause, adding to the 19000 coming just from Adelaide. There have been 1.7 million nappies collected since October 2013 and we can definitely make the number grow. 

Please encourage your loved ones to scour their homes, sheds and store rooms for these valuable  items and join the movement. We are looking forward to yet another successful collective.

Giddy Up!!!

Be a part of the collective and donate!

Coney Rocca 
on behalf of the PAC ELC community


Dear Langley family and friends,

What a lovely week we have had. Some of our friends have also been able to enjoy an extended long weekend due to ANZAC Day. This week was the final week of the holiday program and what a great time we have had.

Next week is the first week of Term 2 and we will be having some new friends join us, which will be exciting. We are excited for our old friends to form new friendships with these friends and allow them to have a smooth transition into the room.

This week as it has been quite cold and raining outside have utilised the workshop area and have used room time for the children to play, form closer friendships within the room and develop their fine motor skills. We are still encouraging families to bring labelled raincoats and gumboots so we can explore the puddles outside.

On Thursday with our morning tea, we invited our teddy bears along to join us. For this we gathered in the workshop to have our morning tea so there was adequate spacing for our special guests. The children brought all teddies from all shapes and colours, whether they were big or small or pink or white. 

Henry - I got pink bear 

Archie - I got my ducky here today

Cara - My bear eating da cwacker

Another reminder about the Princesses Tea Party, most of you should have received the pink slips with information to go with. If we could have all the slips returned no later than the 5th of May for catering purposes, this would be greatly appreciated.

Please remember to sign your children in and out of each day's sign in sheet. We still have a few more signatures to collect.  

From the Langley Team 


Dear Mattingley families and friends,

The children have had a fun week of activities and creative play with their friends. This week, the children have been building with the large lego and wooden blocks, dressing up in animal costumes, mixing colours with paint, creating collages, climbing on the outdoor equipment and finding treasure in the sandpit.

On Monday, the children had fun mixing two colours and seeing what those two colours created when they were mixed together. They mixed red and yellow together to create orange and blue and yellow to create green.

I think it’s going to make orange - Didier
It’s orange - Angus
It’s changing - Riani

The children have really enjoyed dressing up in the animal costumes and wearing masks pretending to be animals using their imagination and creativity through role play.

The children have also had fun searching for treasure in the sandpit as they worked together as a team to look for the treasure by digging holes in the sand.

Come, look! We found some treasure - Nathan
Treasure, treasure - Patrick
We found treasure underneath the sand - Didier
Found treasure here - Lachlan
Over here Lachlan - Kaeshav

It has been so nice to watch the children smile and interact with each other sharing their interests.

We hope you have a great weekend.

Liana and Kimberley


Dear Families, 

This week we have been very busy with only four days. We have started to create our own small world in a garden pot. We are producing our own items to place in there. The children have started by painting their own rocks to place in there. The children have enjoyed painting on rocks rather than on plain paper. We will look at using other natural resources to paint with such as leaves and sticks. 

Also this week to conclude the school holidays we decided to have a Teddy Bear Picnic. The children all brought along their favourite teddy to join our picnic. Each child really enjoyed showing their friends and educators their teddy as we sat in a circle. We said good morning and they were able to tell everyone why their teddy was so special. 

With Term Two approaching this Monday, our staff roster will change within the Wilkins room. The roster is now set for each term, so this will be the times for each staff for the full term:
7.30-3.30 Miss Melissa
8.00-4.00 Mrs Jess
8.30-4.30 Miss Ellen
9.30-5.30 Miss Courtenay

Please remember if you have not yet filled out the Princesses Tea Party slips, do so and return them to the front desk, in the new communication box! Thank You. 

Love from Miss Courtenay, Miss Ellen and Miss Melissa 


Dear Mead families and friends, 

We have 2 new friends joining us in the Mead Room. Owen started with us this week and enjoyed exploring the outdoor environment, the play dough table and painting. Charlotte will be starting with us next week - she enjoyed making Anzac biscuits with us during her visit on Monday. 

For Anzac Day, we baked some delicious Anzac biscuits. We followed a recipe and worked together to pour and mix all of the ingredients together. Once all of the ingredients were combined, everyone rolled their own ball of dough and flattened them out into baking paper to create their biscuit.

Jimmy: Oo, muesli things
Harvey: We mixing
Christian: A bowl. Flour
Iverson: I mixed 
Harry: Butter? Is that butter?
Jack: We making biscuits 
Ming Ming: Roll in a ball!
Charlotte: We need to make them hard

Poppy said "where's the oven?", so we went for a walk to visit Miss Kim and Miss Sylvia to see where we bake the biscuits. It took 10 minutes before the biscuits were ready, then we had to let them cool down before we ate them after our lunch. 

We hope everyone enjoyed the school holiday break and we look forward to the term ahead!
The Princesses Tea Party for Mother's Day is on Thursday 11th of May, invitations are in the communication folders - next to sign in sheets. 

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Miss Boler, Miss Jana and Miss Wright


Dear Chapple families

This week has been a short but a very eventful week!

We finished our salt dough poppy flowers to honour Anzac Day. These have been displayed at the front entrance of the ELC!

On Thursday, we performed and recreated our own performance of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Cinderella’ directed by Miss Kerry. This gave the children the opportunity to develop their social skills as the children collaborate with others and sparks creativity and imagination.

In performing Cinderella; Danica, Mikayla and Elyssa played the role of the 3 sisters, Oliwer was Prince Charming and Charlie from the Edgerley room was Cinderella. Tom D and Haris both played the role of a Billy Goat for ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. This was also a great opportunity for the children to combine and build on relationships with children from another class.

Oliwer – I am Prince Charming

Danica – It’s my shoe

Mikayla – The shoe fits my foot

Dress up day on Friday was a big hit! It was great to see how many children got involved and participated in this event. Dressing up allows the children to explore different identities and can freely express themselves while role playing.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Elodie and Mrs Kaur


Dear Edgerley Families and Friends,

This week from our Letterland book we have been learning about the letter E. The children are captivated by the colourful friendly letter characters this literacy activity provides and stimulates the children’s learning.

Will A: I watched every letter on T.V. I love Letterland! My mum bought me two Letterland books.

Sebastian Ho: I bought something from office works. Some letter books, it has all sorts of letters.

Charlie P: Letterland is full of letters.

Sebastien Ha: It has heaps of letters, the whole alphabet.

We combined with the Chapple Room and created a couple of Pantomime shows, Miss Kerry was the narrator. The children were so intrigued in this theatrical entertainment of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Cinderella.

What is a Pantomime Show?

Rory: A play.

Nicholas Y: A show.

Samuel (Chapple): Dressing up show.

We have made a start on creating some beautiful Mother’s Day presents but I won’t tell anymore or the surprise will be spoilt.

See you all next week for Term 2, the final term I have together with this wonderful group of children.

Enjoy the weekend!



Hello Cooper Friends and Families!

This week has seen the conclusion of our Autumn Holiday Program, and what an incredible time of fun it has been for children and educators alike!

Here is a quick break down of some of the things we have been up to over the past few days..
‘It’s a... It’s a... It’s a noisy!’ exclaimed Karl, as he spotted two noisy minors while bird watching with his binoculars. In doing this, Karl demonstrated his ability to recall previous information and apply it to a new context.

‘When you shake the bottle, it stirs all of the stars!’ said James, as he experimented with a sensory bottle. In doing this, James displayed his increasing awareness of cause and effect.

‘Look at my aeroplane Mr Richards! It’s stuck in the clouds!’ cried Stirling, as he drove his toy through the thick ‘Moon Sand’. In doing this, Stirling expressed his love for imaginary play.

We would like to take the time to thank all of the staff members who have helped to make our Autumn Holiday Program a special event for the children. 

We would also like to thank the families for their positive feedback. We have thoroughly enjoyed all of the cooking, all of the experimenting, all of the creating, all of the adventuring, all of the constructing, and all of the laughing.

We look forward to welcoming Miss Gilbert back to the classroom next week... We know the children will be thrilled to see her again!

Thanks again,

Mr Richards, Mrs Reshma, and Mrs Kerry.


Dear Angwin families and friends,

The last week of the holidays has brought us the rain and chilly weather. That didn’t mean the fun stops for our Angwin friends though. We celebrated Edie’s birthday with cupcakes this week and we can’t believe that from here on, everyone will start turning 5! Oh how time has flown! We continued on some projects in the classroom. Our autumn tree is coming along and we have been talking about what we like to do in this autumn weather.

Staying in my pyjamas and covering my head with a warm blanket, Felix said. 
Taking my shoes off and putting my gumboots on, Roy added.
I like to watch the rain, Ryan said.
Jumping in muddy puddles, Lachlan shared.

Our interest and explorations on birds led us to have a try at making bird cakes to provide birds some yummy food in this cold weather. We are hoping our recipe worked so we can hang our bird cakes on trees all over the college. What very caring children we have got! 

We also managed to work on our garden beds and transfer some of our growing beans. We hope to have a bountiful harvest in winter and when spring comes. Our last Monarch butterfly turned out to be a female and wished her good luck at being safe and laying eggs as we set her free. 

Despite the raincoat and gumboots kind of weather, the children enjoyed building, creating, singing and working with their peers. They loved sharing about their time spent at home and holiday places  which gives them the opportunity to enhance their developing social and communication skills. We are looking forward to welcoming the new term and having Mrs Cooper back. We can’t wait to hear how she has spent her break with her family.

Don’t forget to donate nappies too. :)


Mrs Rocca and Ms Jen