Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Monday, November 14, 2016


Dear Mead Room families and friends,

At the beginning of the week we made a colossal batch of playdough. This sensorial experience always results in rich discussions and hands-on investigations incorporating science, literacy, numeracy, and creativity!

Scientific Exploration—We talked about how we had several solid materials (flour, salt, cream of tartar) to which we were going to add liquids (oil, water.) What was going to happen?    Numeracy and Literacy —We followed a recipe and instructions, measuring out cups, half and full, stirring and mixing.  Finally the children were able to explore and observe the changing state of materials and marvel as the bowl of unrelated ingredients came together to form a sticky then smooth and squishy ball of dough!

Our Water investigation continues…..

This week we read ‘Who Sank The Boat’, by Pamela Allen. Then dived into more sinking and floating experiments;

Paige – The stick floats, it’s made of wood

Danica – A rock will sink because its too heavy.

Sienna – The stick will float, the giraffe was floated because it can stay still, it can stay up.

Alana – Some things just float and sink!

Oliwer – Spoons and rocks, the same, sink.

We have also been painting our representations of water, and sharing the stories that spontaneously emerge during these rich moments of creative expression;

Yifan – Water, lots and lots of water. The water coming from the raining.

Cooper – It’s a ship with robots in it.

Paige – It’s an icecream at the beach on my holiday.

Patrick – A boat, it goes with super boosters, and a submarine, it goes down, down, under the water and up and under.

 In the ELC this week we participated in a solemn celebration when we observed Remembrance Day.  We remembered the people who went to a far away land so that we can live peacefully and safely today, and thought about how lucky we are to live in a country like Australia. And we remember the brave men and women who serve and defend our country today.  We talked about the beautiful red poppy flowers that popped up all over the muddy fields of France – and we created our own poppies to share.

 Enjoy your week!

From Melissa, Elodie and Sharon