Dear Mattingley families and friends,
What a wonderful term we have had together. We are not really sure
where the weeks have gone, but we know we have learnt a lot together,
especially about forests. We can't wait for our excursion next Thursday
morning. Hopefully our 'rain away' dances will keep the rain away, just for the
morning. Please make sure you fill in a bring back your new consent forms.
Tuesday morning we had 'Sea Star Rock' come to our ELC to perform
for us. We had lots of fun dancing with the wonderful sea creatures that came
to visit us, teaching us how to take care of the ocean that they live in.
I like dancing- Billy
Under water- Oliver
I love dancing so much- Lilah
I like the statue part- Audrey
The crocodile danced- Paxton
Um, a dolphin dances- Walter
I liked the singing- Jason
My favorite was the crab. I seen a broken crab on the beach
before- William
I like the dancing- Edie
This term we have been very lucky to have Erin from Dancify teach
us some very groovy new dances. We hope all the parents who were able to come
for our mini concert Friday morning enjoyed the show! We certainly had lots of
fun performing them for you. We would like to say a very big thank you to Erin,
who bought her energy and enthusiasm with her each week as she worked with the
children to create some wonderful dances. It was lovely to see the children
expressing themselves though dance, moving their bodies and having lots of fun.
We saw confidence grow each week, as some children stepped outside their
comfort zone and participated with enthusiasm as the weeks went on. We hope
that Erin will come back next year.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Kimberley Mason and Coney Rocca