Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, July 29, 2016


Dear Edgerley Families

What a wonderful first official week in Edgerley! It was great to be able to welcome such a lovely group of children into our classroom and just perfect to see Miss C coming with them. 

The children spent the first week showing us what wonderful grown up four year olds (and almost four year olds) they are and Emma and I have been so impressed with their excellent engagement in the classroom challenges. 
We’ve had lots of fun getting to know everyone and look forward to finding more out about each other as the weeks progress. 

This week we started to explore structures and buildings by attempting to make 3D structures using only strips of paper. It was hard to work out what to do until we put our heads together and brain stormed some ideas. We created a chart of ways to change our strips of paper so that they would stand up. We created loops, circles, arches and folds, we even scrunched paper to create volume! What a great idea. We plan to use some of the ideas we explored about height in other building challenges throughout the term.

We also began to explore colours and how they are created. We worked together again to create a list of all the colours that we knew. But there were a few colours that we could observe but couldn’t name. One was the reddy/purple colour of our uniforms, what is that colour called? We thought we might be able to ask people at home if they knew the name of that colour. We can’t wait to see next week if anybody can tell us what it is. 

Charlie O also wanted to add the colour of Mrs Bishop’s cheek to the list, we explored ideas like pink, white, brown and red but when we held those colours up to her skin we knew we needed another name.  “It’s pinky orangey” Charlie O described. I wonder if anybody can discover a colour name to describe it? We mixed our own colours with ink at the light table and were amazed by what we saw.

“I just mixed the colours together and made black! It’s magic!” said Hamish
“I made green, I put a blue on top of another colour” said Aston
“Oh no, I made completely brown!” exclaimed Rory
“If you mix yellow and blue it makes green” said Aidan

Green was very popular but we also managed to spot orange and purple. Our more enthusiastic participants consistently created many shades of brown. We will continue to explore colour mixing using different medium next week.

On our way back from the gym this week some students discovered a  worm attempting to cross the path so he was immediately scooped up to take back to class for observation. We read a book about worms and discovered that they are the friends of the garden.

You might have noticed that we have begun to create a  garden in our classroom, attempting to germinate seeds as well as carrot tops and celery ends. We will observe them over the coming weeks to see what happens. We talked about the parts of plants and began to discuss what plants might need. If you have a small indoor plant that would appreciate some love over the next semester feel free to send it in for us to care for.

With such a wonderful start to the term the world is out oyster next week with lots of ongoing investigations and interests. Looking forward to seeing you all again next week.

Love from Mel, Emma, Cris and Satin