ELC Nativity
Thursday 26 November
Anzac Hall
Dear Families,
We are thrilled to have received
overwhelmingly positive responses for our Nativity performance. However, due to it being embraced so
convincingly by the ELC community we have limited seating available.
Anzac Hall only seats 900 people so
it is imperative that you RSVP ASAP and record the number of guests who will be
attending on the sheet in your child's classroom. If you have more
than one child in the centre please record on one class sheet only.
Unfortunately we will not be able
to accommodate overly large groups (as much as we would like to) as other
families may miss out.
On the day of the Nativity, once
your child has performed their Nativity piece, we would ask that if you are
returning to your seats to enjoy the other performances please seat your child
on your lap.