Dear Families,
It's been a very Christmas orientated week in the Edgerley Room.
The children have been busy rehearsing for the Nativity on Thursday and
practicing their songs. They decorated invitations for Mr Andary and Mr Fenner
and delivered them to their offices and luckily they are free on
Thursday to attend!
At our easels there have been some wonderful green and
red Christmas paintings created with tinsel and other collage materials.
The children have also been making Christmas cards for loved ones and
putting special messages inside, and rolling and cutting out salt dough
Christmas decorations.
For Show and Tell we have been looking at a Christmas
story. These have come in many varieties - from books from home, to voice recordings,
to children telling their story in person. We are continuing to create our own
Edgerley advent calendar with each day represented by a number and decorated by
the children. I wonder what surprises will be inside each box?
We thought we would share one of the children's story's with you:
"There once was a angel. Mary have a baby and his name was
Jesus. That was her baby. Joseph was walking. They hop on a donkey and walk to
Bethlehem. They knock on all the doors and can't stay. There was only a stable.
Joseph was very tired. They follow that star. That's where Jesus was born. The
wise men come and give baby Jesus the presents. The End." -
Best wishes,
Emma M, Emma G and Ty