Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Chapple Room

Dear Families,
This week has been a busy one. We have spent a lot of time getting ready for sports day next week. We have been talking about what teams we are in, the name, colour and emblem. We have also been doing lots of practise for the big day during PE with Mr. Weatherald. There are two main themes of interest in the Chapple classroom at moment, The Ninja Turtles and Pamela Allen. The children have been building houses for The Ninja Turtles with the little wooden blocks. The buildings have been very intricate with many different levels, shapes and materials. It has also been a theme of the children's play outside and in. They have been making Ninja Turtles from the K-nex as well, using their creativity and imagination to create the characters and play scenarios.
Pamela Allen continues to be a focus in our classroom. We have read all the Pamela Allen books in our classroom and we are hoping to share any Pamela Allen books you might have at home. If you could please have a hunt and bring in your Pamela Allen book (named) for us to share we would really appreciate it. We are so desperate for a new Mr. McGee story that we have begun to write our own , "Mr. McGee goes to school". The children have also thought that perhaps we could write to Pamela Allen and ask her to write more books. As a group we discussed the other things we could write to her;
"We have to write our names" Sebastian V
"Make new books of Pamela Allen" James S
"Pamela Allen can you come to kindy?" William
"Can we have another book of your writing and we can read it?" Andre
"Pamela Allen could write more books and then we could write our names" Leroy
"We could ask her is she could make more Pamela Allen Mr. McGee" Marcus
"She hasn't written a book I wouldn't like to watch. She could make a movie" William
We have a postal address from Penguin publishing and we will send her our letters, so fingers crossed for a reply after the holidays.
Have a lovely week end.

Juliana & Pamela