Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, May 22, 2015


Dear Langley Families and Friends,
This week we have started an exciting new project! As the Langley children have been going crazy for building over the last few weeks, we decided that we would do a REAL building project together! With assistance the children have been practicing a combination of their fine motor and their gross motor skills. We have been hammering small bits of wood to a large piece of ply using a nail and a hammer. Make sure you keep an eye out for our work in progress.

Ryan – “watch out for your fingers.”
Nyanwell – “we are using hammers.”

Henry – “I did it!”
We spent some time outside when it wasn’t too wet or cold. The children enjoyed cooking in the sandpit, typing letters to their Mummy’s and Daddy’s on the type writers, and balancing on the climbing equipment.

If there are any families who would like to demonstrate anything such as building, cooking, hair dressing, musical instruments or  anything you can think of PLEASE come and speak to one of the educators in the Langley Room or send Miss Sarah an email.
Thank you,

Miss Emily, Miss Renee, Miss Sarah and Miss Brooke.