Dear Parents and Friends,
We have had so much fun continuing our investigations this week… orange juice, wind chimes, shadow play, painting birds and seeing our buddies. Oliver B’s Dad’s camping talk would have to rate as a real highlight… Sean shared some of his camping adventures with us, the children’s eyes got wider and wider as he spoke of tigers, crocodiles and even a rhino that he saw whilst camping in Nepal. He shared 4 important things to remember about camping…
1. Shelter/ protections
2. Food
3. Water
4. Leave the place as you found it!
He brought some interesting camping tools to share with us including a first aid kit, a backpack that turns into a stool and even a swag. It was so much fun for the boys to climb through and explore. The children were captivated! Thank you so much Sean!
We are looking forward to celebrating Book Week next week… don’t forget… Dress Up Day on Tuesday!
Thank you so much for your support,
Pip, Emma, Ty and Rosalie