Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Dear Parents,
It is with growing concern that we have been watching adult behaviour in our ELC car park. We are indeed the luckiest parkers in the Princes community as no other group of parents have a car park full of spaces reserved especially for them. Due to the young age of our students and what we know about their impulsive natures at this age, coupled with their inability to gauge the speed of moving vehicles we felt it appropriate to dedicate spaces to the families of these children. We understand that this blog post is really only directed at a small number of people and apologise to those who use safe practices in our car park, but we cannot sugar coat our road safety message when we observe adults keeping themselves safe on the path whilst children are allowed to run on ahead into the car park. Whilst we have not had a major incident to date the aim of this post is to help insure we do not have any in the future.
To keep our car park as safe as it should be we need to engage your help, both behind the wheel and on foot.

When you are driving please:
*Enter our cark park at a slow speed
*Pause as you turn from our entry road
*Move slowly as you leave the carpark and cross the footpath
When you are walking please:
*Insist that your child walks with you on the path
*Do not allow them to run ahead through the car park
Ask your child to stand with you by the car when you are loading or unloading bags or other siblings
*Strictly ensure that your child is with you as you cross the footpath that is the entry to the car park. This is particularly important when you are walking with a young child to collect older siblings from Prep after school care or when walking with older siblings back to our centre from Prep after school care.

We thank you in advance for continued vigilance in our car park and would ask for you to please make one final observance. The disability park that is clearly marked with a wheelchair sign is strictly for the use of our community members who have a recognised disability sticker displayed in the windscreen of their vehicle only.
ELC staff