Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Term One Events in the ELC

Dear Parents,
We have a very busy term ahead of us filled with exciting activities and events. To aid in everybody’s organisation we have compiled the following news for you to post on your fridge.
Kindergarten Teachers

Monday 8th March – Adelaide Cup Public Holiday– All ELC students
The entire College will be closed for the Adelaide Cup Public Holiday.

Monday 15th March – Living Eggs arrive
To support our investigations about Easter and new life we will be hatching chickens in the foyer of the ELC. They will stay with us for two weeks and will be looking for a home just before the Easter holidays. Please let Mrs Porter know if you are able to take a chicken or two on e-mail at

Tuesday 23rd March – Harmony Day – 9.30am – Kindergarten Students Only
Children from the ELC Kindergarten program will be joining Junior Primary students to celebrate Harmony Day in the Preparatory School. Students may wear orange on this day to help us celebrate if they would like.

Wednesday 24th March – ELC Grandies Day – 8.30am-10.30am
Our unit about art will culminate in week nine this term with a performance, art show and morning tea for our Grandies. For ELC students this will take the place of the Preparatory School Grandies Day later in the year and hopefully will allow our Grandies to have a relaxing morning rather than having to stretch themselves between two sites. Our P&F will be present on the day with a stall for Grandies who would like to purchase a book and dedicate it to their grandaughter or grandson to donate to our Library.
Children will prepare invitations closer to the date and will include the RSVP contact address It would assist us greatly if RSVP’s could include the names of the intended attendees, the name of the child they are related to and their maternal or paternal relationship to the child. Children who do not normally attend on Fridays are welcome to join us but must stay with their grandies at all times and leave at 10.30am at the end of the morning. We also ask that these children do not come in their school uniform.

Monday 29th – Wednesday 31st March – Parent Teacher Interviews – Kindergarten Parents only
Later this term Kindergarten teaching staff will draw up schedules for Parent Teacher Interview slots. We will post this information on the blog. At this time please visit Mrs Porter at the front desk to schedule a convenient time to see your child’s teacher for a 15 minute interview to discuss their progress.