Langley Families and Friends,
It has been a lovely and very busy week in the Langley Class. The children have
been busy exploring the new experiences and have also thoroughly enjoyed
playing together. It is a pleasure seeing so many of them beginning to form new
friendships with both their educators and peers. We have observed the children
being empathetic towards one another, inviting friends to play and also
enjoying parallel play alongside one another. We also would like to extend
another warm welcome to Miss Nicole who returned this week from maternity
Early in the week we went on a hunt for different coloured leaves. This
experience was an extension of the children’s interest in leaves and their ever
changing colours. The children found red, green, yellow and brown leaves just
to name a few. They then went on to work with Miss Georgia to create some
beautiful collages using the leaves they had collected along with some Autumn
coloured paints. Their masterpieces will be displayed in the Langley Class for
you all to admire.
To extend this experience at home you may like to go on a ‘leaf hunt’ with your
child. We encourage you to bring the leaves in so that your child can show them
to us all as we would love to see how many different leaves and colours we can
It is great to see just how many children are giving toilet training a try. We
acknowledge that this process looks different for every child and would like
you all to remember that there is no perfect time to toilet train. If your
child is beginning to toilet train please try to dress them in loose fitting
pants such as track pants and leggings as these are much easier for the
children to pull up and down and also for us to change in the case of any
accidents. If you would like any additional information on toilet training
please feel free to speak to the Langley staff.
Please remember to have a look through the ‘lost property’ basket that is
located next to the sign in book. The number of items in there is increasing
and we will need to dispose of some of the items very soon. We are also still
on the hunt for Winnie’s jumper. This jumper has been clearly labelled so it
would be greatly appreciated if you could double check your child’s jumper to
make sure that there hasn’t been a mix up.
We hope that you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Amelia, Miss Kathy, Miss Georgia, Miss Tayla
and Miss Nicole