Dear Wilkins families and friends,
What a wonderful first week back we have had. We have also
welcomed some new friends in to the Wilkins room.
We have been enjoying making play-doh with Mrs Nicole. We have
been choosing different colours and mixing the two to see what the outcome is.
Alexander – “hot hot hot!”
Paige – “Blue, bit warm!”
Haris – “Hot!”
We have also enjoyed looking at x-rays of bones on our overhead
projector. We have been singing our favourite song Dem Bones on the laptop, and
also trying to identify some of our own bones in our bodies.
The Wilkins children are very into their cutting and drawing. For
a change we have decided to incorporate oil pastels. We have been
experiementing with black paper. This has been lots of fun!
Thankyou Wilkins friends for another fun filled week in the room.
Have a safe weekend, we look forward to seeing you all in the new term!
Love Mrs Nicole and Miss Ellen xxxx