Dear Angwin Parents and Friends,
This week brought us to the end of our term and the end of
our unit on colour. To celebrate, we made a rainbow layer cake. The children
helped mix, stir and measure out the ingredients. As we baked, we discussed our
eating habits and whether eating cake and sugar is healthy for us.
‘My mummy doesn’t let me eat a lot of sugar. Her parents
don’t let her eat sugar.’ Rachel
‘Sugar’s too salty.’ Oscar
‘It’s not good for you.’ Allegra
‘It will make you sick.’ Lucille
‘It will make you go crazy.’ Anthony
The children all agreed that although there is sugar in the
cake, which is bad for us, cake is good for us.
‘The sugar makes the dough soft.’ Oscar reasoned.
‘We should eat cake once a week because you can’t eat it
every day. You have to get it one day only.’ Aiden
‘You might get sick if you eat it every day because cake has
salt in it.’ Arwyn
‘It’s too sweet to eat every day.’ Augie
It was a lovely way to end our unit. We had fun making it,
but the best part was eating it! Have a wonderful break and well earned
holiday! See you in three weeks!
Love the Angwin Team