Dear Angwin Families
Another busy week has unfolded in the Angwin with the
highlight, of course, being our wonderful colour run. Thankyou to Mr
Charlwood for organising this fun celebration of colour!
We also enjoyed
creating our own police station in the work shop. This play was a hive of
activity as children dived through the dress up boxes choosing shirts and hats.
We also had lots of pedestrians in dresses that needed to be managed across the
road, lucky we had our signs out to help them. We will follow up on this interest
in Police duties next week.
In fact Angwin children have been busy taking on
all sorts of roles in the class this week, with dancers in the dancing corner
watching themselves closely in the mirror as well as Mums and Dads caring for
babies in our mosquito net home.
Interest in patterning has continued and the
children have been creating patterns with stickers. We have mostly been
interested in single-single patterns but some of us have managed to create
double-double patterns, with a few even creating single-double-single-double
patterns, very tricky!
But the maths hasn’t stopped there! After our interest
in surveying last week we have continued to survey our friends on all sorts of
issues. We even surveyed our buddies about what type of pizza toppings they
like. We will create a graph together to see if we are going to make ham and
pineapple or vegetarian pizzas next week in the Prep school “shed”. What pizza
do you think will be the winner! To support our survey work we have been
learning how to form teen numbers, did you know they always have a 1 at the
start? Listen carefully, there is always a hint about what the second number
will be!
Happy counting
Love the Angwin team