Dear Mattingley
A big warm
welcome back to the ELC, we hope you have all had a safe and wonderful
break! This week the Mattingley children have enjoyed catching up with their
friends and sharing stories about their holiday adventures and Christmas and
New Year celebrations. Many of the children were lucky enough to see some fire
work displays on New Years Eve and have been recreating their experiences
painting fireworks using glitter paints and different sized brushes.
As this is our
first week back for 2017, the Mattingley children have been very excited about
their upcoming transition into their new classroom, Angwin. To help make this
transition as smooth as possible the children have been taking it in turns
throughout the day to visit their new area and explore the space.
Next week we will
welcome Miss Liana Baldasso , along with Ms Kendall ,who will be with the
Mattingley children until they transition up into Angwin in Term 1.
We will also
farewell Miss Kim who has been amazing this week helping and teaching us here
in Mattingley this week and wish her all the best in her future endeavours ,she
will be greatly missed by all of us here at the ELC.
Enjoy your
Miss Kendall, Miss
Jana and Miss Kim