Cooper Families,
have engaged in some very exciting experiences this week in the Cooper room.
now have brought in a ‘Shadow Machine’ (overhead projector) for the children to
explore and experiment with. The children loved placing their hands over the
light and wiggling their fingers to see what happened to the shadows on the
wall. The children started to bring small toys onto the shadow machine and
began to create imaginative stories about the shadows on the wall.
Thursday we went on a lovely nature walk around the centre. Before we left the
classroom we all put our nature goggles on and went to explore the environment
in the ‘Big School’. On our walk we saw lots of beautiful plants and colourful
flowers. We were even lucky enough to see some bees and a bird perched on the plants
and flowers that we were observing, which the children were very excited about.
Next week we will hopefully have more lovely weather so that we can go on
another nature walk.
hope you have a lovely week and enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend.
Miss Gilbert and Miss C