Dear Families and Friends
Week 1 of our Spring program kicked off with lots of adventures
for our Angwin people.
We explored places around the PAC campus in search of beautiful
spring blooms and enjoyed playing games and read stories in these little
The children really loved being in the Senior school area where
they played hide and seek and circle games in the big boys courtyard.
"It's like a jungle in here, with big trees and red berries
everywhere", Samuel said.
"I bet there are treasures to find in here if we look",
Caitlyn added.
"Kicking a footy here is fun", Cameron said.
The lovely weather gave the children the opportunity to engage in
fun outdoor play whether it might be in the sandpit, mud kitchen, on bikes or
playing ballgames with their friends.
We have been collecting our materials for our garden project next
week and we can't wait to plant flowers and vegetables while doing our bit for
the environment by using recyclable materials.
The Angwin children have been excitedly talking about being
soon-to-be Reception children and have been worried that Mrs Rocca would
be lonely when they leave and thought that playing with the Mattingley children
will help her feel better. They decided to have playtime with their younger
peers and a chance to hang out with Ms Bowden too. They engaged in some cooking
time together and enjoyed their steamed corn, sweet potato as well as some
delicious pancakes.
On Wednesday, we were lucky to have a taste of Autumn's piano
recital piece as she played the tunes with Mr Angus on our pianola with
the other children singing along to "Twinkle Twinkle Little
Our large paper shared drawings are getting a lot of
interest and have been giving the children opportunities to engage in
active communication and positive interactions as they share their ideas,
experiences and creativity together.
We can't wait to continue our adventures next week.
Please take note of the following:
7th Wednesday is Casual clothes day. Feel free to send your
children in their casual clothes but please ensure they are still appropriate
for play. Please also pack a complete set of spare clothes for your
children for water and mud play possibilities.
We are also needing some help collecting the following materials
for our garden project.
* milk or juice bottle containers
* 600 mls clear water bottles
* large tin cans
* old small or medium size ceramic or terracotta pots
* plant cuttings or unused seeds e.g succulents
Coney and Faye