Langley family and friends,
what a noisy week we have had in the Langley room! We have been exploring a
range of different musical instruments during group times and individual play
and even in our Chinese lessons. We created a band with Lao Shi and played our
instruments as we sang the Chinese family song.
have also been experimenting with loud and soft noises in our group times. Some
children prefer the soft quiet noises and othesr love the big loud noises. We
have continued our exploration of sounds we can hear in our environment using
the sound board to put up pictures of the noises we hear.
were also lucky enough to have Reverend Mark come and play the didgeridoo for
us. Some of us were a bit concerned to start with until we heard the wonderful
noise it could make. He showed us how he could make different sounds with the
didgeridoo and, upon return to the classroom, we used cardboard tubes to
recreate some of the sounds we had heard. The school choir also came down on
Wednesday and performed for us! Phew, what a busy week we have had. I wonder
what will be in store for us next week!
Kerry, Nicole and Emily
the cooler months we still love to take the children outside to explore the
Wintery environment. The children have been fascinated with the puddles that
have been created in the yard from the rain and we have been digging in them
and exploring floating and sinking objects. If your child has some wet weather
clothes (gum boots and a rain jacket) can you please pack them in their school
bags with an extra set of spare clothes so that we can further explore the
wonderful muddy puddles!