We have had another fun week of holidays in the Mead room. On
Monday we played tennis up at the gym. We practiced hitting the balls over the
nets, bouncing and then hitting the balls, and also hitting the balls against
the walls. We think there are some people on the pro tennis circuit who better
be watching their backs…
On Tuesday we had a music day. Some of us brought instruments from
home, and others borrowed some from school. First we practiced in small groups
out in the town square, and then we did a whole group practice. Once we had
perfected our instruments we took our music to the world! Well, to the rest of
the school, as we walked around to each of the classes and shared our songs.
We have been enjoying reading the fairy tale The Gingerbread Man, so on Wednesday we baked our own. We followed
the recipe and then rolled out the dough and cut out the gingerbread man
shapes. We put them in the oven to cook. Luckily, none of our gingerbread men
escaped from the oven and ran away, so when they were ready we were able to
decorate them, and then eat them- yum!
On Friday we experimented with our senses. We had a smelling
table, where we got to sniff lots of different scents and see if we could work
them out. We also tasted some different fruits. The lemons and limes made us
pull funny faces!
the cocoa powder)- Chocolate!
pomegranate)- It tastes like strawberry, but it’s not.
lemons and limes)- Be very careful because it’s sour.
Henry (eating kohl
rabi)- Mmmmmmmmm! More please!
The holidays sure have been fun!
Kind regards, Miss Amelia and Miss Sarah