Dear Chapple Room Parents and Friends,
It's been a lovely, quiet week in Chapple Room. We haven't had a 'normal' week for quite a while, so it's been nice getting back to a more relaxed pace. This has allowed us to explore some maths consepts with more focus. We have been looking at the concepts of sorting, ordering and comparing. We have read many versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, which has been a fun exploration in itself. Some children have used natural materials to order different lengths. They then named them according to what they thought was appropriate. We have also provided the wooden shapes for children to sort and use. This has allowed children to compare attributes to sort different shapes, and to experiment with mathematical language such as sort, same, different, sides, corners, big, small, tiny etc.
'There's a diamond and there's a square and there's one of these and one of these. They're the same. I've sorted the shapes.' Raphael
'This is a triangle. They have three sides you know.' Marcus
'My leaves are small, medium, big.' Jacob
'My leaves are smallest, medium, biggest.' Bayley
We also sorted through a big container of old socks to find matching pairs. The children enjoyed this challenge and then dressed themselves in the socks for fun.
Chapple Room Team