Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Langley Room

The Langley children have had an exciting week exploring our unit of inquiry- Sustainablity.
We have been using recycled boxes, bottle caps, bottles and other items to create a structure using masking tape and glue to hold it together. We are going to continue to work on this activity over the holidays.

"What are you making?" Angelina asked Miss Nicole
"What do you think it is?" Miss Nicole, asked Angelina.
"It's American," Answered Angelina
"Fire engine, looks like fire engine," Said Alexander
"It's a crocodile snap, snap, snap" Lachlan said
"It's gonna make some music," Toby told Miss Kerry
"That's a tower," Said Knox
" It's going to be big, a little, big castle," Toby said
" Big castle," said Loukas

The children have also enjoyed caring for our vegetable garden which has started sprouting some
yummy spinach, playing in the home corner with the teddies and dolls and playing with the bugs
in the gooey mud.

On Tuesday week one of the holidays we will be having a wacky hair day in the Langley room. Staff will use hair chalk, glitter, gel, feathers and pipe cleaners to create a funky hair style on your child.
We will be using hair chalk as it is a non toxic option to coloured hair spray and will wash out. If your child has fair hair the chalk may last for several washes.

* If you don't want your child to participate in wacky hair day, please let Kerry, Nicole or Emily know.

On Friday 19th April we will be holding a casual day where we are encouraging children to wear their favourite colour. We will also be raising money for Make a Wish Foundation if you would like to make a donation.

The holiday program is now displayed in the Langley room above the lockers if you would like to have a read.

Enjoy your weekend

Jess, Nicole, Kerry and Emily

Could all parents please check their child's hat and jumper to make sure they have the correct ones as we are missing 3 jumpers and our spare hats .
