Dear Parents,
Sebastian brought in a furry friend his sister had found in the cabbage patch in his garden at home. We discovered we already know a lot about these little creatures, and have decided we will investigate futher.......
"He nibbled the holes in the leaves" Sebastian told us.
"I got a caterpillar in my pool last week" Eden told us excitedly. "I got it out with my swimming suit!"
"He's a boy because I was going to call it a boy name" Sebastian continued.
"The caterpillars in my garden eat fruit and leaves and dinner" Andre shared.
After we returned from PE up in the prep school we went to check on the caterpillar. We had left it on top of the lockers in a yoghurt container. It was gone!! We searched the room and found it crawling on the floor near the puzzles. While we had been practicing running races at PE, the caterpillar had been having his own PE lesson in the Mead Room!
"How did it get out?" Jacob asked.
"Maybe he crawled" suggested Marcus.
"Maybe he climbed" offered Izabella.
"How 'bout he can jump up?" Andre added.
"It got a furry body because they don't want to slip on they back" Izabella informed her friends.
"If he scared he will wrap in a ball" Marcus told us.
"He gets into a cocoon" William added.
"And then a moth. He makes a hole so he gets inside a cocoon" Sebastian concluded.
We are looking forward to discovering more about caterpillars next week!
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan, Cristina and Heidi