Dear Mattingley families,
This week we have had further enjoyment exploring the school
grounds and from our class photo booth. This has involved the children taking
their own photos using the class camera, which has been attached to
our hand made old fashioned tripod box. The children created their
own sets using various props we collected around the school and their
exciting imaginations.
Another highlight this week has been further experimentation and
interest of colour. Our class has been filled with rainbows and colourful
art work created with water colour. The children have been working very
hard on writing their names on their masterpieces, we have been very proud
of the support each class member has shown each other through this
process. We have also had an ice experiment, melting 'primary coloured'
ice blocks into a thin layer of rice and watching the secondary colours evolve.
See you next week
Love Miss Kim and Miss Bowden