Dear Mattingley families and friends,
Over the last few weeks we have been practicing some of the events
that we will be participating in as part of sports day. We all really love
playing with the parachute, taking it in turns to run under. We have to go down
very, very low and then jump up high to make the parachute go up, up, up!
We are also getting very good at maneuvering our bodies through Mr Barton's
obstacle course. Sometimes we get a bit wobbly over the balance beams, however
when we persist we can usually make it all the way over. We look forward to
showing you all that we learn in our PE lessons with Mr Barton on Sports
Sports Day in on the 24th of September in week 10. If you are
unsure what house team your child is in please ask either Miss Mason or Miss
Bowden and we will do some research for you.
Next week's show and tell topic is: A machine that is used in
the garden. (This can either be a picture drawn by the child, a photo
or the real machine if it is safe to bring in.)
We hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Kimberley Mason & Coral Bowden