Dear Families and friends,
This week in the Edgerley Room we have had such engaged and
motivated learners! There is so much co-operative play that is richly immersed
in problem solving, turn taking, showing initiative and empathy towards others!
The map making has been taken to new heights with zoo maps, treasure maps and maps showing the way to people’s homes… There has been investigations into 2D and 3D building, involving hinges, counting skills and trial and error… Our home corner has experienced endless renovations and has removed to different areas within the classroom on a daily basis! We have been discussing pyramids, holding piano concerts for the ELC classes, working on peace kites with our 3M buddies and even exploring the PAC school badge.
We are amazed by the connections the children are making and
the way they are sharing their learning and exploring their environment in such
depth and interest.
Kind Regards,
Pip, Emma, Ty and Rosalie