Hello Cooper friends and families,
This week the Cooper children have been enjoying outdoor story
time. We have been sitting near the entrance to the ELC under the shade of the
beautiful trees to listen to the stories before rest time. The class have
loved to explore this area after story time to see if the leaves had started to
fall. We were quite fascinated in how some of the trees had yellow
leaves at the top but still had green leaves lower to the ground. All of
the children are more than welcome to bring in leaves and other items from
home that have started to change during Autumn and share them with the
class. We will set up a table for our Autumn collection to be displayed on.
We have also put our Circle of Friends made by all of the Cooper
children on display by the Cooper door. Please take a moment to
read the responses from the children about why they feel it's important to
have friends.
Have a lovely weekend
Jain & Cris