Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Monday, September 1, 2014


Dear Families
It has been great for the children to get outside and enjoy the Spring sunshine. We even managed to get the fountain flowing again. We took part in the walk-a-thon on Monday. We have had another transition visit to the Prep School and sat in on a JP Chapel service. We looked at how far we could jump on the Moon ( 6 times further) due to less gravity. We had a great discussion on animals that sleep in day and animals that sleep at night. A great student inquiry question came up “If nocturnal is the word for owls that fly at night, what is the name for animals that sleep at night?” The answer, we discovered, is diurnal.

Also the children had some great suggestions about what animals we might see at night- foxes, cats, owls, mice, dragons and aliens.

Why might we see these animals at night?

“Foxes hunt at night.”

“Cats like to eat mice”

“Owls like to eat mice too.”

“Dragons have flames, so they can see in the dark.”

“Aliens are like foxes, they like to go through your bins at night.”

 Chapple room