Dear Parents
and Friends of the Cooper Room
We started
this week with a very special visit from the Beulah Park fire station. The boys
had a wonderful time looking at all the interesting pieces of equipment that
the fire fighters use to help them. The boys also got to climb into the big
truck and take a seat in the back ready to head off! Even though the weather
was not very clear we didn’t miss the opportunity to also all have a chance to
squirt the fire hose and clean one of the school fences. The children took this
role very confidently and enjoyed spraying the water through the high powered
hose. We also had an opportunity to look at all the fire safety clothing the
fire fighters wear to keep themselves safe while putting out fires and checking
buildings. Finally we talked about the importance of children knowing to
ring 000 in an emergency and having a family fire plan. We practised “stop,
drop and roll” to put out a flame and “get down low and go, go ,go” to crawl
out of a smoke filled room. Although discussed in a fun way it is a very
important message and we encourage all families to reinforce these protective
behaviours at home. Most importantly to make sure all children can reach the
phone or get out of their house in an emergency.
The fire-fighters asked that all children know their address and house number in
the case of an emergency.
Stay safe
this winter!
Kind regards
Susan, Jain
and Rosalie