Thank you to all our Grandies who came to visit us at kindy on Wednesday. We hope you all enjoyed our beautiful singing at the concert and had an opportunity to see all of the wonderful experiences we have while we are here. We know the Langley children enjoyed having you here. “I chased Granny. Granny said to me, “you might fall over!” but Granny hold my hand” said Lily.
“Nanny, we did a puzzle, we click our tongue, click, click, click, making cooking” said Izabella. “Neenie and Susie, saw Lily on the chair, some play dough and outside a big slide” said Felix. “Nonna, si (yes)!!” said Leonardo.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Jennifer and Hayley
Mead What an exciting day the Mead children had on Thursday. We caught a bus (a first time for many) from the ELC to the Festival Theatre, to a performance of 'The Instant Orchestra Workshop'. It was a highly interactive concert which had the children singing, dancing, role playing, instrument playing and even inventing our own original compositions! We all sat in a huge circle on cushions under a tent, and had a turn playing an anklung, a tuned bamboo rattle from Indonesia. The two lead performers, Martin and Nico, introduced us to a double bass and accordion too, and were wonderful at getting the children involved and capturing their attention. Martin and Nico said we were a fantastic orchestra - and we were great listeners too!
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan L and Emma G
Cooper On Thursday the Cooper students, teachers and mums set off on a bus to the Instant Orchestra Workshop. We loved this performance! Martin and Nico played instruments and had the children up and moving from the very beginning. They sang a very exciting and slightly scary pirate song, played along with a double bass and piano accordion and waved the magic paintbrush! Everyone in the audience had the chance to play an anklung (a tuned bamboo rattle from Indonesia) and together we formed a loud but tuneful instant orchestra! It was a lovely morning out made even better by the beautiful weather down by the Torrens.
A big thank you to Diana, Karen and Michelle for their great assistance on our trip.
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
Chapple Thank you to everyone that came along to Grandies Day. This is what some of the children had to say about their favourite part of the day...
"My favourite thing was showing them around" said Blake.
"I liked playing in the sandpit together" said Oliver.
"I liked bouncing ball with Trevor and Ian" said Jesse"I liked play outside together" said Nathaniel.
"Making sandcastles with my Grandma" said Charlie H.
"Going in the jungle with Baba" said Jazz.
"In the sandpit with Nanny" said Ryan.
We hope you enjoyed our beautiful singing voices and walking through our Sound Garden! Thank you all for donating the books to our centre and for an enjoyable morning.
Warm wishes -
Suria, Sinead, Rachel and Sue.

Dear Edgerley Parents, We have continued our exploration about information this week and discovered a new way to find out information. On Tuesday morning Langley children found a beautiful spider web with a spider in the centre that they shared with us. We spent a lot of time looking and observing. “We could get some bugs for it! “, suggested Louie, and with that the boys set off in the playground to find some bugs for the spiders breakfast. It wasn’t long before Louie was back with a caterpillar. “I found a slug” he said and then as the boys watched he dropped it gently onto the web from above. It stuck on the silvery strands and made the whole web quiver. We watched as the spider moved towards the caterpillar and started to eat it. The caterpillar didn’t like it one bit.
Two days later Luca rushed up to the teacher with an excited look on his face “I caught a butterfly” he exclaimed, opening his hands just a tiny bit .
“I think it’s a moth” said James
We decided that the butterfly wouldn’t like to stay in Luca’s hands so found him a clear container and added a piece of watermelon for him to eat. As the children watched the butterfly, with the now broken wing, walked over to the watermelon and stared to eat it with a long curly tongue. We discussed our discoveries in class and decided that we had found out two new pieces of information about insects.
- Spiders webs can be made of one hundred circles
- Butterfly tongues are curly
We thought about how we had discovered this new information.
“We noticed the spider web!” said Hugo
“…with our eyeballs” said Aadi
“Our eyes looked” added Aggie
One more way to find our information! I wonder if we can add any more to our list?
Have a great weekend
Mel and Rosalie
PS: If there are any Edgerley parents who are able to bring an i-pad for us to have a look at for a few minutes on Tuesday morning next week we are busting to find out some information on one of those!!!!