Sports Day is nearly here!!! It’s time to get out the face paint and hair spray and support your team. We have been excitedly learning about our house groups and who are in our team and the children are eagerly looking forward to the day. If you are a parent who is joining us on the day please feel free to dress in your child’s house colour (as zany as you would like!). We are looking for two parent helpers from each class to assist staff with the children’s movement throughout the day. We are also looking for any parents who would be happy to take some photographs for us, as staff will have their hands full with leaping, jumping and running! If you would like to assist or take photos of the children in your child’s class on our behalf please drop and e-mail to Mrs Bishop at And finally we are also looking for one or two helpers who would be happy to assist Mr Wagenfeller bring up our snack at snack time from the ELC to the handball courts beside the gym.
Can’t wait to see you there. Don’t forget to bring your cheering voices and running shoes (we do not suggest high heels on the oval, it can make it hard going!)
Mel Bishop