Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, May 27, 2016


Dear Mattingley families and friends,
What a wet and wild end we have had to week four. The rain on our classroom roof has made us feel like we really were spending our days exploring a rainforest. Have you seen our classroom forest collage yet? It is really starting to take shape. Next week we are going to start adding animals to our forest space.
This wet and wild weather has also brought with it many fabulous puddles. Our class favorite would have to be the big muddy puddles. It is amazing how satisfying it is to jump in a big puddle. It is an instant mood lifter. If you don’t believe us just look at this action packed photos for the proof. What fun the children had jumping and splashing about together. It was wonderful to see some of our friends push past their boundaries and join in the exploration.
Watch me! I do big jump- Jed
I jump too- Josh S
I jumped so high! It went splosh!- Sammy
I jump – Lachlan B
The water went into my boots. It feels funny- Eloise
It wet- Fred
I love the puddles. I love to jump in the puddles- Lailah 
Not only is mud play extremely fun, it also has many educational benefits as well. Through exploring and playing with mud, children are given the opportunity to express their creativity, enhance their fine motor skills, practice literacy, science and math skills. The mud can also be an art medium as the children mold it in unique and creative ways. These creations can become the center of their play, often becoming wonderful dishes in the sand kitchen as not so sure friends and educators are enthusiastically encouraged to eat them for dinner. Through their play the children use the cooking utensils with control and intention as they are stirring, flipping and pouring. Other friends just love to see the reaction that their big jump has on their clothes and the surrounding environment.
As it looks like this wet weather is here to say we would like to encourage that children come to ELC with a pair of wet weather shoes and a few changes of named clothes. We love messy play in the Mattingley classroom, and feel that the children gain so much out of being able to freely explore this magnificent natural phenomenon. You never know, you might find yourself jumping in puddles on this wet weekend. Please feel free to email through any photo evidence!

Mrs Kimberley Mason and Mrs Coney Rocca