Dear Edgerley families and friends,
Last term the Edgerley boys explored the world of a Bakery in the
role play corner using a till, play dough, baking tins, and bottle tops for
money to serve and bake for each other. Week 1 of the holidays we walked to the
local bakery to experience a ‘real life’ one to enhance their understanding of
the food we buy at a bakery. Before heading off we compiled a list of the
things the children thought we may see there and when we returned we wrote a
list of the goodies we DID see and compared lists.
“Donuts- chocolate and sprinkle ones”, suggested Nathan.
“Cupcakes”, added Jack Mc.
“Sausage rolls”, was Jack A’s idea.
“AND don’t forget birthday cakes”, said Archie.
Wow! The boys had many suggestions about the food we buy at
bakeries. Once there, we had a close look at all the goodies on display. We
then purchased some and tasted them on our return to the ELC. Yummy! What a
Comparing our food lists it was amazing to see the similarities.
Lamingtons, pies, pasties, biscuits and finger buns were foods the boys also
thought we might see and yes we did! It was wonderful to see how much knowledge
the children had about bakeries through their own experiences.
During the first week we also participated in baking bread from
scratch with Mr Ty, walks around the college grounds-extending our gross motor
skills on the prep school playgrounds, playing football and cricket and small
group construction using different materials.
Week 2 was highlighted by pyjama and movie day on Wednesday, crazy
hair day and Anzac cookie making on Friday and taking care of the vegetables in
our garden that we planted last week.
See you in the Winter holidays
Mrs Nacca, Mr Ty and Ms Kendall